



CIEF x IVN | 文化体验之中欧国际学校2017年德国站

2016-10-4 21:41| 发布者: chinaheiyu| 查看: 4360| 评论: 0

摘要: 引文:国际志愿者网络(IVN)是一个专注于青年社会实践发展的网络平台,我们旨在通过丰富的青年海外交流项目(志愿服务、文化交流、职业体验)让更多的国内好青年有机会参与到全球社会实践当中,提高国际化视野,培养世 ...

国际志愿者网络(ivn)是一个专注于青年社会实践发展的网络平台,我们旨在通过丰富的青年海外交流项目(志愿服务、文化交流、职业体验)让更多的国内好青年有机会参与到全球社会实践当中,提高国际化视野,培养世界公民意识。 为此,我们在“第四届中欧暑期学校-希腊站”成功举办后,与欧洲国际高等教育培训中心(CIFE)达成战略合作,成为CIFE中国区对外招生的唯一窗口,以期为中国青年学者创造更高层次的海外交流机会。



 其实呢,就是CIFE请来一大波欧洲知名的学者教授和官员专家,在位于德、法、卢森堡三国交界的Otzenhausen欧洲学院,为大家举办一场走进欧盟的跨文化交流盛宴! 怕大家在一个学校太枯燥呢,就带大家去德国最古老的城市也是马克思的故乡-特里尔,并在特利尔大学授课; 怕大家不能直观的了解欧洲,学习欧洲呢,就带大家走进欧盟总部、欧洲理事会、欧洲投资银行和欧洲最高法院等欧盟主要机构,同时对话欧盟高层决策者及各领域专家,深入了解欧盟运作的最前沿信息;

 如果大家还是觉得闷,CIFE和EAO还组织了跨文化联合研讨会,让同期在学院访学的来自世界各地的大学生共同学习欧盟和欧洲一体化进程等议题。当然,除了探讨欧盟,你也可以和他们探讨人生。 学分和证书 当然了,为了鼓励大家的勤奋好学,CIFE还将为大家颁发结业证书和欧洲高等教育学分体系承认的3个ECTS学分(需通过结业测试),用于申请海外高校学位和国际性实习,表现优异的同学还可以获得CIFE海外高校负责人Dr.Michael Meimeth的强势推荐信,为你的名校情节打开一扇窗,谁让上帝非要关上一扇门呢? 

PS:ECTS是European Credit Transfersystem的缩写,即欧洲统一学分体系 

3.个人海外经历丰富,能够快速适应跨文化生活环境; 我不会告诉你往期我们收录了来自世界各地名校的学员申请,牛津大学、悉尼大学、墨尔本大学、哥伦比亚大学、乔治华盛顿大学、北京大学、复旦大学、交通大学、同济大学…….. 其实名校只是参考,我们也从不迷信考试和名校,只要你足够优秀足够积极,一样有机会和他们同台竞技,我们始终是兼收并蓄的 Ps:根据我们对往期学员参与后的跟踪调查,项目满意度高达99%哦 

 报名方式: 发送中英文简历到: info@intvolunteer.com (备注:中欧_姓名_学校;相关证书请一并上传到附件) 

EU-China Winter School 2017

„Understanding Europe and the European integration: fundamentals, principles and issues governing Europe in a global environment“


February 2, 2017 to February 14, 2017
European Academy Otzenhausen (EAO), Germany, Trier, Luxemburg, Brussels


For information concerning the 2017 programme in Chinese please click here.


General information

China and the European Union are two major players in the world of economics and trade. While the EU is the largest trading partner of China, ranked first both with regard to export and import, China is the second largest trading partner of the EU. Nevertheless, problems such as trade and investment barriers as well as the protection of intellectual property rights pose serious challenges to he cooperation between the EU and China.

Therefore, understanding Europe and the European Union, getting familiar with the fundamentals, principles and issues governing the European Union in a global environment and shaping the relationship between Europe and China becomes more and more important and appealing for young Chinese high potentials. In order to promote the mutual understanding between these two major players, the Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) in cooperation with the European Aademy Otzenhausen (EAO) offer for the first time in 2017 an EU-China Winter School on „Understanding Europe and the European Union“ to Chinese college students from prestigous universities from all over China.

This 12 days Winter Course will be held at the European Academy Otzenhausen – a modern and comfortable conference facility located in the center of the Greater Region SaarLorLux, one of the core regions of the European integration process. The program will be enriched by thrilling field trips to Brussels, Luxemburg, and Trier, oldest German city with a history of more than 2000 years.

During this program the Chinese students will be exposed to intensive lectures on the major political, historical and economic perspectives and issues of the EU. All the courses will be taught in English by internationally renowned faculty from CIFE and other major German universities. Moreover, by visiting the most important EU institutions (European Parliament and/or European Council, European Investment Bank and/or European Court of Justice)  in 2 European capitals Brussels and Luxemburg, Chinese students will be provided with first hand insights into the functioning of the European Union. In Brussels as well as in Luxemburg the students will be brought into direct contact with the decision-makers and the representatives of those institutions. In Tier, the students will have the chance to visit Trier University, one of the most famous universities in the world, and the students will have the lecture in the Trier University.

Finally, the EU-China Winter School will provide Chinese students with a unique cross-cultural experience: during this 12 days program, CIFE and EAO will organize “Joint Events” which will bring together the participants of this Winter Course with students from other Asian countries staying at the EAO at the same time. The purpose of these “Joint Events” is to provide Chinese students with the opportunity to learn in common about specific topics of the European Union and the process of the European integration.

The exposure to the European integration in classroom coupled with field trips to European institutions and cross-cultural learning will make this EU-China Winter School one of the most rewarding experiences of the participant´s university career.


Academic Responsibility

Topics of the lectures (selection)

  • EU Studies and Political Science – what are the basic questions?
  • History of the European integration with a special focus on the Franco-German relations
  • The institutional architecture of the European Union
  • The economic dimension of the European integration
  • Europe and the refugee crisis
  • Euro crisis
  • Brexit and its consequences for Europe

Credits and Certificates

Upon successful completion of this 12 days program, Chinese students may earn up to 3 transferable credits awarded by CIFE. Credits will be granted only to those students who will attend all lectures and successfully complete the courses by a written exam.

Certificates will be provided by CIFE for Chinese students wishing to leverage their educational experience in this Winter School with subsequent pursuit of internships and/or other higher learning opportunities.


Program Logistics


The European Academy Otzenhausen (EAO) will host Chinese students for the most part of this 12-day program. The EAO is a perfect venue for international conference and hosting scholars and students from all over the world. The Chinese students will accommodated in modern comfortable twin and/or triple rooms all equipped with free internet access and free high speed WiFi. All rooms have private modern bathrooms. The EAO´s conference facilities are excellent and meals are legendary! The very friendly staff of the EAO is extremely keen on taking care of their guests.

During the 2-days field trip to Brussels the students will be accommodated in a 3 star hotel in twin rooms with private bathroom.


During the stay at the EAO the students will enjoy full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner). For the field trips to Trier and Luxemburg, the EAO will provide the students with breakfast, lunch packages for the day and dinner upon return to the EAO.

During the 2-days trip to Brussels, the students will be provided with breakfast and dinner.


During the 2017 EU-China Winter School, CIFE provides the Chinese students with the following transportation services:

  • Group transfer by bus from Frankfurt International Airport to the EAO and back to Frankfurt International Airport
  • Group Transport by bus on all field trips

Staff support

For the 12-day program CIFE will provide a qualified group leader who speaks English and Chinese and who is familiar with the program venues. The group leader will stay with Chinese group during the entire program at the EAO and will accompany the group on the field trips to Luxemburg, Trier and Brussels.








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